Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Snow White Movies coming out

So, there are two new Snow White Movies coming out soon. I love faery tales...I, for one, am totally excited to see both of these movies. Lately there have been some awesome T.V. spots for Mirror, Mirror staring Julia Roberts as the evil queen, Lilly Collins as Snow and Armie Hammer as the Prince. I'm really wondering what kind of adaption they are going to be doing on this Snow White. From the trailer that I've seen it seems to be more comical than a traditional sense of the story.

Mirror Mirror Coming out March 30, 2012.

Snow White and the Huntsman is the other Snow White movie coming out soon. This one is what I'm really looking forward to! 1) I can't wait to see what they do with the story. 2) Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman is freaking hot and 3) I can't wait to see how Kristen Stewart portrays Snow. I really hope that she can be tough girl and not whiny girl. Crossing my fingers for this one. Ooooh and I forgot 4) Charlize Theron as the Queen is going to be super awesome!

Snow White and the Hunstman coming out June 1, 2012.

Look for my reviews of the movies coming up as soon as they come out!!


1 comment:

  1. Excited for Snow White and the Huntsman! We should go see it together!!!!
