Monday, August 13, 2012

I knew It!!

From the first time I ever heard his name and seeing his sharingan, I knew that Tobi-Madara, was a character that had been introduced previously. Well after reading today's new chapter scan, I can finally say with some greater confidence that HE is in fact Obito!! The eye connection is no coincidence, thats for sure. I wonder how this will effect the storyline once it is made public and I also wonder if the all-knowing Orochimaru knew this, and that it will be shared with Sasuke. I know only time will tell but it's always interesting trying to hypothesize the plot with only minor details and a mind full of facts haha. What I do know is that Naruto and Kurama are going to make a great team when it comes down to that final battle between them and Sasuke's Susanoo and other eye techniques. Not only is Naruto effin bad-ass, Bleach is also doing its thing with some major action and drama that just baffles me lol. These Quincies aren't playing any games lol. They killing everything they can get their lil Bankai-stealing hands around. Ichigo is for sure gonna have another major transformation, and just go on a murdering spree.. Ah, my excitement for this is at maximum lol!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

New Maximum Ride!!

Holy crap people!! The new Maximum Ride novel by James Patterson is coming out soon!! All I can say, besides holy crap, is IT'S ABOUT TIME!! What the heck is going to happen to these crazy kids!?! And Max and Fang BETTER get back together. I will be one p.o.'d fangirl if they don't!! They were meant to be together. Like peanut butter and jelly (time) and ham & cheese and all that other cheesy stuff!! It is meant to be!

Nevermore: The Final Maximum Ride Novel
By: James Patterson
Due Out: August 6, 2012

I don't know how I forgot about this coming out!! I hope it answers all the loose ends! Will there be a break off series? I can't wait!! What do you think is going to happen?


p.s. If you want to know how Max and Fang have been doing. They have their own blogs!! Fang's Blog Max's Blog