Monday, March 12, 2012

Are You Ready?

Hey guys!! It's almost that time! What time is that? Hunger Games movie that is! I honestly can't wait for this book series to become a visual extravaganza of the eyes! Yeah, I just made that up, but no joke! I really can't wait to see this adapted and what changes/visuals turn up to be amazingly awesome. I, of course, have midnight premiere tickets. I am just that awesome. I will probably see it at least 2 times that weekend. March 22/midnight can not come fast enough!!

Look forward to many more posts. Hunger Games related or not. Grad School be damned!! I will make time to post! Haha


1 comment:

  1. So jealous you get to go to the midnight showing but so glad that I will see it opening weekend so we can chat it up that following Monday!
